e.Max Veneer Preparation
Posted on 09/15/2011
While e.Max is popularly prescribed for crowns, inlays and onlays, the e.Max veneer is really one of the best all ceramic veneers available. With its strength and translucency, e.Max solves the problem common with veneer chipping while not compromising on the aesthetics. Additionally, with the ability to create a 0.3mm veneer, e.Max can be placed over existing teeth as "no prep" veneers.
Here is a guide to preparation of the veneer based on Ivoclar's Chairside Prep Guide:
- 1.0mm-1.5mm Incisal Reduction
- Depth cuts of 0.6mm - 0.8mm
- Medium grit, round-ended, diamond bur can be used to remove a uniform thickness of facial enamel by joining the depth-cut grooves.
- Diamond bur is angled to bevel back the incisal edge
- Chamfer margins interproximally will allow for enough bulk of porcelain

Here is a guide to preparation of the veneer based on Ivoclar's Chairside Prep Guide:
- 1.0mm-1.5mm Incisal Reduction
- Depth cuts of 0.6mm - 0.8mm
- Medium grit, round-ended, diamond bur can be used to remove a uniform thickness of facial enamel by joining the depth-cut grooves.
- Diamond bur is angled to bevel back the incisal edge
- Chamfer margins interproximally will allow for enough bulk of porcelain

e.Max, Veneers, No Prep, Dental lab Tech, Dentist
- Ivoclar Prep Guide : http://www.ivoclarvivadent.us/empress/documents/all_ceramic_prep_guide.pdf